In partnership with Birdlife International's global campaign to protect the last remaining breeding area for East Africa's flamingos - and to support community livelihoods at Lake Natron, Tanzania - director Turk Pipkin and The Nobelity Project take a ten-year look at the East Africa's greater and lesser flamingos, a migration of millions, that Sir David Attenborough called "The greatest ornithological spectacle on earth.
The Nobelity Project is thrilled to be featured in BirdLife Magazine! Shaun Hurrell wrote an article on Natron and our film, The Flamingo Factory will be run on BirdLife International's YouTube channel. To learn more about protecting Lake Natron and supporting local Masai communities, go to
Free Teacher Resource! The SERP Institute launched a powerful school education component based on our flamingo work; to share with your classroom, click this link to be directed to the SERP site.